Exfoliating Shampoo….Whaa??

So you may have noticed exfoliating shampoos popping up on your Insta feed or when you’re shopping on Amazon. Are we really exfoliating our hair now too? Washing your hair less than daily has become …
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Spring Cleaning, Naturally

Sure commercial, chemical-based cleaning products are convenient, but at what cost? The American Association of Poison Control Centers recorded many exposures to household cleaning substances were s …
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Last Minute Gift Idea

Need a last minute gift idea AND a way to keep the kids busy AND not have it involve baking anything? Well I have the solution for you: Bath Fizzies. These effervescent little fellas are easy to m …
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My New Big Thing

I’ve been reading a lot about coconut oil recently, and how it’s good for everything from healing acne to losing weight. Naturally, I had to try it. Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the …
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41 Yummy Pumpkin Recipes

Chocolate-glazed pumpkin pie cheesecake, pumpkin pecan tassies, pumpkin latte coffee cake….the all sound so delicious. But how about pumpkin mac and cheese? Or pumpkin shrimp bruschetta? Bet …
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Bake An Apple Pie...In An Apple!

Sometimes I bake. Well, it’s not really that often. If I bake something, I tend to eat it and since I’m forever trying to lose weight it just seems counter-productive. But I came acros …
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Pumpkins and Scarecrows and Football, Oh My!

I’m starting to feel a chill in the air come evening, which could only mean autumn is right around the corner. I’m a summer kind of girl, so this makes me a bit sad. But there are some things about …
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