Valentine's Day....Honeybee Style! (much better than Gangnam Style)

Valentine’s Day is tied for my favorite holiday! My other favorite holiday is Halloween (because you can dress up and be anyone you want that day and no one thinks it’s weird).

I was born four hours shy of Valentine’s Day. But for the first 19 years of my life, my mom made a big deal about it by getting me a heart-shaped cake, heart-shaped treats, etc. And I loved it. I miss her.

As an adult, Valentine’s Day is still very special to me (and not just because it’s so close to my birthday). It’s a great day to take some time out to let another person know just how much they mean to you. I’m not talking the traditional jewelry, flowers and perfume thing (not that there’s anything wrong with that). But do something personal and special for the one you love. And you can do it for little or no money at all. Here are some suggestions:

1. A personal note. Don’t let Hallmark tell your loved one how you feel. Put it in your own words. It means so much more. Feeling crafty? Make your own Valentine’s Day card. You can download Valentine’s fonts for free and even print free cards, but add your own sentiments. Check out our Valentine’s Board on Pinterest for links.

2. Dinner. It’s impossible to get dinner reservations on Valentine’s Day. That’s one of the bad things about having a birthday so close to a holiday. So, why not cook TOGETHER at home? You can make a meal that’s healthier, less expensive AND get exactly what you want. We posted a link to some great recipes from The Food Network on our Pinterest Valentine’s Board.

3. Bath Time! There are few things more romantic than taking a bath together. Don’t have a tub? Improvise – take a shower! But really, the bath tub is more relaxing. Light some natural candles, turn off all the lights, fill the tub with some wonderful bath salts or natural bubble bath gel. Use a homemade sugar scrub. And have a large cup or pitcher nearby. Nothing feels better than having warm water poured gently over your body by someone who loves you – try it! And guys, shampoo her hair. AND give her a scalp massage in the process. She will melt. Find sugar scrub recipes, bath salt recipes and other bath time ideas on our Pinterest page.

4. Ahhhh massage. Nothing feels better than a massage AFTER a romantic bath. Your muscles are loose from the warm water and you’re all nice and clean (i.e. you won’t be rubbing stinky feet). I’m personally a fan of massage bars. They’re less messy than massage oils. We posted a wonderful step-by-step guide on how to give a killer massage on our Pinterest page. We also posted recipes for creating your own massage bar.

5. Sleepy time…or whatever. “Clean Sheet Night” is always the best night in my opinion. I swear I sleep better on clean sheets. Some folks like to have scent in the bedroom too. I’m not a big fan of that, but if you’re into it, use a light bulb ring with some essential oil, or a Scentsy burner with meltable natural wax you can make yourself (recipes on – you guessed it – our Pinterest page!) What I AM a big fan of is soft, snuggly blankets! I hate being cold. And in Pennsylvania it gets COLD this time of year. Not Minnesota cold, but still too cold for me. So wrap her in clean sheets, warm snuggly blankets and a warm, clean massaged YOU.

Don’t forget to check out our Valentine’s Board on Pinterest for more recipes and great ideas:

What are YOUR favorite things to do on Valentine’s Day?