Why Dieting is the Worst Idea Ever

Many of my friends choose to start diets on January 1. There are varying opinions on this philosophy, some saying it’s good to have comradery since everyone else is doing it, others saying it’s not …
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41 Yummy Pumpkin Recipes

Chocolate-glazed pumpkin pie cheesecake, pumpkin pecan tassies, pumpkin latte coffee cake….the all sound so delicious. But how about pumpkin mac and cheese? Or pumpkin shrimp bruschetta? Bet …
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Bake An Apple Pie...In An Apple!

Sometimes I bake. Well, it’s not really that often. If I bake something, I tend to eat it and since I’m forever trying to lose weight it just seems counter-productive. But I came acros …
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The Lemon/Chocolate Experiment: Day 1

I started my “Lemon Chocolate Experiment” a little more than 24 hours ago. So far, so good. I even noticed some ‘results’, be they psychological or not. First let me clarify what I am doing and wh …
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I Refuse to Let Go of Summer!

Summer is my favorite time of year. And one of the many reasons is because I can grill out on my deck. I’m WAY more likely to cook if I can stand outside and grill. I always keep a trough o …
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Summer means PICNIC TIME!

Summer time means picnic time, because food always tastes better outdoors. We’ve compiled some easy, yummy, exceptional recipes to make your alfresco meal a breeze. Warning: You might become “fam …
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