You're Cheap, And You're Not Pretty Enough

Sounds hurtful, doesn’t it? If someone said this to you, it would probably make you angry.  You might think about slapping that person in the face.  I found these words hurtful and confusing.  Though …
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Five Tips to Help You Pack When Traveling

Summer time means travel for many, and with airline baggage fees being through the roof, plus stringent TSA regulations, your packing game needs to be on point.  Here are some tips that can help. Kno …
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Exfoliating Shampoo….Whaa??

So you may have noticed exfoliating shampoos popping up on your Insta feed or when you’re shopping on Amazon. Are we really exfoliating our hair now too? Washing your hair less than daily has become …
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How Often Should I Wash My Hair?

Most of my teenage and adult life, I’ve washed my hair every day. My hair is long and fine and looks yucky if I don’t. But lately there’s been a trend to NOT wash your hair as often, and I must say …
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Brow Beaten

My latest unhealthy beauty obsession is my eye brows. Fuller brows purportedly create a more youthful look and can accentuate other facial features in a more flattering way. Social media is flooded w …
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Nike Had It Right

Josie (9 years old): Can I sing for you? I want to know if I sing good. Me: First, you want to know if you can sing “well”, and second, what does it matter what I think? Does singing make you happy? …
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Oprah Winfrey turned 60 this year.  When asked if she had any regrets, this is what she had to say, “I think the hardest part of aging really is recognizing the time that you wasted and the thi …
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I Can’t Believe You Posted THAT Picture!

On my birthday, a funny picture was taken of me. I was holding up my birthday cake, and pretending to take a bite out of the entire cake. It wasn’t a flattering picture at all. And the lighting was t …
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