Exfoliating Shampoo….Whaa??

So you may have noticed exfoliating shampoos popping up on your Insta feed or when you’re shopping on Amazon. Are we really exfoliating our hair now too? Washing your hair less than daily has become …
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Lemon Water Really is THAT Good

I know I talked about this last year, but I’ve been doing the lemon water thing for several months now and I can honestly say I see benefits. I find that it aids in digestion, wakes me up in th …
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You Got The Number 7

I’d love to meet the person who comes up with some of these “Facebook Oddities”.  Like Throwback Thursday.  Or “Make your status post the color of your bra”.  The latest seems to be “I …
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Spring Cleaning, Naturally

Sure commercial, chemical-based cleaning products are convenient, but at what cost? The American Association of Poison Control Centers recorded many exposures to household cleaning substances were s …
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Why Dieting is the Worst Idea Ever

Many of my friends choose to start diets on January 1. There are varying opinions on this philosophy, some saying it’s good to have comradery since everyone else is doing it, others saying it’s not …
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Last Minute Gift Idea

Need a last minute gift idea AND a way to keep the kids busy AND not have it involve baking anything? Well I have the solution for you: Bath Fizzies. These effervescent little fellas are easy to m …
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My New Big Thing

I’ve been reading a lot about coconut oil recently, and how it’s good for everything from healing acne to losing weight. Naturally, I had to try it. Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the …
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41 Yummy Pumpkin Recipes

Chocolate-glazed pumpkin pie cheesecake, pumpkin pecan tassies, pumpkin latte coffee cake….the all sound so delicious. But how about pumpkin mac and cheese? Or pumpkin shrimp bruschetta? Bet …
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