I Hate Blood Suckers

I love this time of year. The plants in the garden are kicking into high gear, most of my spring cleanup work is done and the weather is consistently warmer. The one thing I hate about this time of year is ticks.

I live in a wooded area in Pennsylvania. I’m fortunate enough to have several acres, and I spend most of my free time cutting grass, tending to gardening beds and keeping the woods from taking over my property. I know I should use insect spray and sunscreen and all that stuff, but I’m a get it done NOW kind of person. I get home from work, check on the cats and immediately go out to start on yard work. Thankfully I haven’t gotten sunburned, but I can say I’ve had a few ticks on me already this year. All deer ticks. I usually catch them before they bite, but on two occasions this month, they got me before I got them.

This past weekend I was taking a shower and noticed the out of place black spot on my ankle. I knew what it was. I did everything you’re supposed to do. I used a pair of fine-tipped tweezers and tried to grip the tick by the head, as close as possible to the point where it makes contact with the skin. But I couldn’t grab it. It had all but buried its whole body in my skin. I won’t burden you with the gross details, but I did manage to get the sucker out. I immediately put our Unscented Herbal Aftershave on the wound. It’s my go-to product for all skin conditions: rashes, cuts, scratches, bites, stings, etc. It has always worked well for me and I feel confident that the site has been cleaned thoroughly. Due to the threat of disease, I followed up with a generous dab of tea tree essential oil. And I’m keeping an eye on the bite to make sure it heals with no rash.

I don’t kill bugs. I always say there’s a purpose for them, and who am I to interrupt that purpose? I catch spiders and let them free outside; drives the girls at work nuts. But I gotta tell ya, I just don’t see the purpose for ticks! Hate those blood suckers.