I’m a "Spring"….NOT!

Ever since I was a kid, I remember hearing women talk about their coloring in terms of seasons. If you were a “Summer” you looked best in earth tones, if you were a “Winter” you looked best in blues and purples. This concept has always irritated me to no end.

Color analysis is the process of determining the colors that best suit an individual’s natural coloring. There are a wide variety of approaches to analyzing personal coloring. The most well-known is “seasonal” color analysis, which places individual coloring into four general categories: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Many different versions of seasonal analysis, first practiced by Suzanne Caygill in the 1950s, have since been developed and promoted by image and color consultants worldwide.

I’m sure Ms. Caygill had the best intentions. However, in typical fashion, the masses took it to the extreme. Once they were told their season (or determined it themselves), that was the be all, end all. From that moment forth, many women felt they could no longer wear green because it simply wasn’t part of their season. How ludicrous! How could one possibly take ALL the skin tones, ethnicities, races, colors, etc. of 7 billion people and divide them into only FOUR color groups?! Yet women bought into it. Later, perhaps when some women realized they just didn’t fit into one of the four seasons, Caygill identified a wide range of sub-groups within each season, and gave them descriptive names such as “Early Spring”, “Metallic Autumn”, or “Dynamic Winter”, each with its own set of special characteristics. Once again, more labeling.

I hate doing trade shows (there, I said it) but one thing I do enjoy is talking to customers and breaking stereotypes. I can’t tell you how many women won’t try different colors because they were told they can’t wear certain shades. Don’t get me wrong, we all have shades we just shouldn’t wear (me and orange is just downright scary). But that wouldn’t stop me from picking up a coral sweater and trying it on. Maybe the shade of coral would look good on my skin tone. Or not. I wouldn’t know unless I tried.

My point is, don’t let anyone pigeon hole you into any specific color group, season, temperature, time of day or however else they’re trying to classify it. I often get emails from customers telling me how much they love our samples, because it allows them to try new shades without committing to full sized product. Don’t try only mauve samples of lipstick because you’ve only ever used mauve. Try a new shade! I’ll never forget when we were testing our new lipstick shade Superstitious, our darkest color to date. I’m pale and blonde. I was told I could never even dream of wearing such a bold color. So I tried it anyway. And I LOVE it. I wear it lightly, and the tone is perfect and very natural on me. Had I listened to everyone else, I never would have gotten to try a color that works so well on me. Be bold. Be brave. The results could be stunning.