The Dog Ate My Homework....

Excuses, excuses. Seems like they’re all I have for not writing in my blog.

But it’s not like I haven’t meant to. I’ve had great ideas! When I’m putting gas in my car, or taking a shower or lying awake at 2:00 a.m. But when I finally get to work, those ideas are gone. And they never happen AT work. Maybe I’m too busy when I’m here. Doesn’t it seem like we’re too busy for anything these days? The days now just fly by. Summer is over already. My little niece is going to be 17 in two months. I remember when my sister-in-law was in my wedding and we found out she was pregnant with this child. And the kid will be graduating in a year! Where does the time go? Is our society moving too fast? Am I the only one who feels this way?

Back to cosmetics – ya know, what I’m supposed to be writing about. My major dilemma for the past few months has been our next product introduction. Not to let the cat out of the bag (that’s a weird expression) but it’s going to be foundation. The issue is what KIND of foundation? About half of customers surveyed want liquid; the other half want loose mineral powder. The sad part is that I can’t do both (unless L’Oreal decides to be generous and donate half their R&D budget to me). The other issue is color range. My coloring is different from your coloring which is different from your neighbor’s coloring, etc. So do I put out 20 colors? I can just hear the stores screaming at me now – “do we REALLY have to stock ALL of this?” “it takes up too much room” “my customers only wear these three shades”.

So that’s where I’m at with things. What is YOUR opinion? Let me hear from you. Afterall, we make these products for you – we’re just looking for a little guidance.