What can YOUR washcloth do for YOU?

I tried to tell myself it’s just that time of year. November in Pennsylvania can be pretty tough on your skin. Well, for that matter, so can December through March. The frigid outside air combined with dry interior environments can take a toll on your skin quickly. That’s what I told myself when I looked in the mirror yesterday morning.

Okay, I’m fighting a cold. And PMSing (a little too much info). But when I looked in the mirror before dragging myself into the shower, I was horrified. And it wasn’t the typical do-I-really-look-that-scary-in-the-morning horror. My skin looked like it had aged five years overnight. My dermatologists’ words from earlier this summer came flooding back to me, “stay out of the sun!” But I knew I couldn’t wake up to instant sun damage. There had to be something else going on. The skin under my eyes was crêpe-y and gaunt. Crows feet were forming at the corners of my eyes, and there was a crevice between my brows the size of the Grand Canyon. Thoughts of the big 4 – 0 looming on the horizon tortured my brain as I stepped into the warm steamy shower. “Okay, think this through,” I murmured to myself. “I know I’m dehydrated from the head cold. That’s a big part of this. And I haven’t exfoliated my skin in forever. It has been awfully cold and dry outside….” Thoughts of a friend from the gym who is my age and regularly gets Botox injections raced through my mind. NOOOO! I reached for my old terry washcloth and lathered it up with plain all natural bar soap. My skin was well-hydrated from having been in the warm water for a few minutes, so I proceeded to rub the soapy washcloth over my face using a small circular pattern. I wasn’t scrubbing – scrubbing is a bad thing. Just gently massaging the fabric over my skin. After thoroughly rinsing and breathing in some steam, I emerged and looked into the dreaded mirror once again. The water gods had done me justice. My skin looked pink and plump. The wrinkles were gone and my pores looked happy. I quickly dabbed on a bit of natural moisturizer to lock in the look.

So next time you look in the mirror at your skin and think “this is NOT me”, give the old washcloth trick a try. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results. Remember, drink plenty of water, avoid bad-for-you foods, get lots of rest, exercise and don’t waste your money on take-out-a-mortgage skin creams, acids/peels, or injectible poisons. Bee well and bee naturally beautiful.