Summer means PICNIC TIME!

Summer time means picnic time, because food always tastes better outdoors. We’ve compiled some easy, yummy, exceptional recipes to make your alfresco meal a breeze. Warning: You might become “fam …
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Let Your Artistic Side Shine

Special Guest Blogger Paula Hunter shares some really cool nail art ideas. Try them! With the advent of summer, comes the appearance of more brightly colored and diverse nails. If you’re looking for …
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Be Cool…No Need for a Meltdown

“I’m melting!” screeched the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz. No one wants to feel like that when they’re out in the sun wearing make-up. Try these tips to keep your face looking cool and fresh. …
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Go Ahead and Mask the Problem

Mask It all started when my aunt bought me a plant called lovage. “It’s an herb,” she explained. Kooky Aunt Pat and her “herbs”. Being the inquisitive type, I decided to do some research on herbs…. …
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Summer – Sexy & Smoothies

Smoothie Summer means shorts, bikinis and generally showing more skin. I’m overly conscious about my weight all year, but it’s less practical to cover up with an oversized sweatshirt in the summer. …
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I Hate Blood Suckers

I love this time of year. The plants in the garden are kicking into high gear, most of my spring cleanup work is done and the weather is consistently warmer. The one thing I hate about this time of …
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Spring Cleaning....YOUR FACE

We’ve recently experienced a burst of warm weather here in the NE.  After weeks of dashing from car to house trying to avoid the frigid temperatures, it was nice to open the windows and let in some fr …
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I Am Not A Crook! I Just Need My Hair Spray

It’s amazing what you can get used to, and what you can’t live without.  Recently I took a trip to North Carolina for a meeting at Earth Fare Markets.  As I was going through the always chaotic securi …
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Spider Woman

I recently came across a picture of Kim Kardashian and was struck by her overly-long eye lashes.  They looked like spiders on her face.  However, this image prompted me to critique my own lashes, whic …
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Don't Believe Everything They Tell You...

So I went to a new hair salon yesterday, hoping to find someone who could perform miracles so that I might actually LIKE my hair.  I was recommended to this salon by a friend who has gorgeous hair (an …
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Chemicals hurt....for real!

I recently started modeling.  I know, it’s laughable at my age, especially when I look around at the 20 year olds and realize I could be their mother.  But we’ll save that discussion for another time. …
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