Our Herbal Aftershave ROCKS

Our very first product that I ever made was our Herbal Aftershave. I use this product every day. No, I don’t have a beard (yet….I am getting older). I use it for removing make up, zapping acne, cl …
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SPF – It’s Not What You Think

Since I just returned from a trip to the dermatologist to have a weird skin thingy looked at, I thought it might be a good time to talk about sun protection. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sun worshipper. …
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Top 5 Herbs For Glowing & Gorgeous Skin

This week I was going to write an article about herbs that are good for the skin, and I came across this. It is well-written, and I couldn’t agree with the author more. So I’m re-postin …
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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Summer is finally here!  Our calendars are filled with much-anticipated beach vacations, gardening, outdoor sports, picnics and other fair weather fun.  I am a true sun worshipper, but we all know th …
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I’m Having A Meltdown!

Yesterday the temperatures were in the 60s. Today, highs are in the 90s. Welcome to Spring in the Northeast. Having a heat wave in your area? If so, here are some tips to help you deal with the …
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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

How old are you? That question can be met with pride or prejudice, depending upon whom you’re asking. Ask a toddler how old they are, and he or she will proudly hold up their fingers and loudly pr …
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Oil Pulling – Huh?

When I first heard about this, I had to look into it because it sounded so weird. And I’m all about weird stuff. What is Oil Pulling? Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy that involves …
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Spring Cleaning, Naturally

Sure commercial, chemical-based cleaning products are convenient, but at what cost? The American Association of Poison Control Centers recorded many exposures to household cleaning substances were s …
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Take Care of Your Heart

Looking great on the outside is not nearly as important as looking great on the INSIDE. February is American Heart Health month, a great time educate Americans on what we can do to live heart-healt …
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Brush Your Way To Better Skin

A few months ago, I became interested in “dry brushing”. Now that I’m in my 40s (*gads!*) it takes more effort to make my skin look its best. This means eating clean, drinking lots of water, NOT ta …
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