Your Valentine's Day Memories

I LOVE Valentine’s Day. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that my birthday is the day before (if only my mom could have held on for four more hours, I’d be a Valentine’s baby). Stil …
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Just Like Men: If it ain't broke.....

I hope everyone has gotten through the holidays, and managed to survive. I personally had my first warm-weather Christmas in Florida. I have to admit, it was weird seeing palm trees decorated with h …
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The Holiday Rush – Helpful Hint #1

It seems like I’m always in a hurry. But this time of year, it’s even worse. Work is extra busy, there’s last minute holiday shopping, holiday parties, seemingly more housecleaning …
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Welcome to my blog!

Okay, I’m new to the whole “blog” thing, so you’ll have to bear with me. I just thought it was a great way to be able to connect with my customers, share ideas, voice comments …
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