Spring Cleaning....YOUR FACE

We’ve recently experienced a burst of warm weather here in the NE.  After weeks of dashing from car to house trying to avoid the frigid temperatures, it was nice to open the windows and let in some fr …
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I Am Not A Crook! I Just Need My Hair Spray

It’s amazing what you can get used to, and what you can’t live without.  Recently I took a trip to North Carolina for a meeting at Earth Fare Markets.  As I was going through the always chaotic securi …
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Chemicals hurt....for real!

I recently started modeling.  I know, it’s laughable at my age, especially when I look around at the 20 year olds and realize I could be their mother.  But we’ll save that discussion for another time. …
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Renewing My Faith in Nature

Sometimes life has a way of hitting the reset button. The other day I was in my car and attempting to do three things at once, including drive (not a good idea, by the way).  My cell phone charger plu …
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Mascara – Don't Be A Victim

I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for make-up. I’ve got to check out the latest and greatest. So on a recent trip to the drug store, I was lured to the cosmetic aisle like a fish to shiny …
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Facebook is addictive

One of my (younger) friends suggested I check out Facebook. “Yeah, right” I thought to myself. That’s a communication tool for kids in high school. Like I have time for that! A f …
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You Look Rested...

“You look tired means you look old.And you look rested means you’ve had collagen.”– Nathan Lane to Robin Williams in The Birdcage Someone close to me called recently to let me in on a secret – …
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A Cure for Wrinkles

My mother-in-law called the other day. “When are you going to start making a wrinkle cream?” she asked. This surprised me. It means that possibly my mother-in-law is finally starting to take my busin …
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What can YOUR washcloth do for YOU?

I tried to tell myself it’s just that time of year. November in Pennsylvania can be pretty tough on your skin. Well, for that matter, so can December through March. The frigid outside air combined …
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Tale of the Purple Eye Liner

They let me out of my cage for a few hours this weekend, so I decided to go shopping. We headed down toward Philly and hit a large mall that I enjoy going to. Inside the mall is a large chain cosmet …
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The Dog Ate My Homework....

Excuses, excuses. Seems like they’re all I have for not writing in my blog. But it’s not like I haven’t meant to. I’ve had great ideas! When I’m putting gas in my car, or taking a shower or lying …
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Mascara Tips and Tricks

Okay, we all know how excited I am about the new lip gloss and mascara. These products have been more than two years in the making – hey, I wanted to do it right! So I was all comfy and happy …
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