My Take on New Year’s Resolutions

You’re going about it all wrong. First, I’m not big on the idea of waiting until January 1 to start anything.  You have to be mentally prepared to make changes, and the calendar should not be di …
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You Got The Number 7

I’d love to meet the person who comes up with some of these “Facebook Oddities”.  Like Throwback Thursday.  Or “Make your status post the color of your bra”.  The latest seems to be “I …
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Our Herbal Aftershave ROCKS

Our very first product that I ever made was our Herbal Aftershave. I use this product every day. No, I don’t have a beard (yet….I am getting older). I use it for removing make up, zapping acne, cl …
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SPF – It’s Not What You Think

Since I just returned from a trip to the dermatologist to have a weird skin thingy looked at, I thought it might be a good time to talk about sun protection. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sun worshipper. …
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Top 5 Herbs For Glowing & Gorgeous Skin

This week I was going to write an article about herbs that are good for the skin, and I came across this. It is well-written, and I couldn’t agree with the author more. So I’m re-postin …
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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Summer is finally here!  Our calendars are filled with much-anticipated beach vacations, gardening, outdoor sports, picnics and other fair weather fun.  I am a true sun worshipper, but we all know th …
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Make Up Tips for Your Big Day

June is a very popular month for weddings. I love it when brides do minimal makeup and go for the more natural look. It’s so important for you to look like YOU in your wedding pictures. After all, th …
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I’m Having A Meltdown!

Yesterday the temperatures were in the 60s. Today, highs are in the 90s. Welcome to Spring in the Northeast. Having a heat wave in your area? If so, here are some tips to help you deal with the …
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Am I Warm, Cool or Somewhere In Between?

Choosing the right lipstick shades can seem as daunting as picking the perfect wedding dress. Luckily Honeybee Gardens offers sample sizes on our web site, so you can play around a bit before comm …
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How Do You Wear YOUR Eye Liner?

There are more ways to wear eye liner than Carter has liver pills. No, I haven’t lost my mind. I’m just incorporating a phrase my grandmother used to use on me, “You have more excuses than Carter …
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