My New Big Thing

I’ve been reading a lot about coconut oil recently, and how it’s good for everything from healing acne to losing weight. Naturally, I had to try it. Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the …
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Will I Ever Learn?

Like many of you, I’ve recently become acquainted with Pinterest. Oh the hours I could spend perusing the yummy recipes, viewing the gorgeous landscaping ideas or checking out the latest style trend …
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It's Probably Time to Toss It

When was the last time you cleaned out your make-up drawer? Be honest. Six months ago? Sometime last year? It’s probably a good idea to go through your stuff and throw some of it out. Make-up do …
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Pumpkins and Scarecrows and Football, Oh My!

I’m starting to feel a chill in the air come evening, which could only mean autumn is right around the corner. I’m a summer kind of girl, so this makes me a bit sad. But there are some things about …
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How Blonde is Blonde Enough?

I’m a natural blonde. But I learned at an early age, apparently I wasn’t blonde enough. I remember I was about six years old when my mom started spraying Sun-In on my hair at the pool in the summer …
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How Do You Come Up With Your Color Names?

Make up should make you feel good. Make up should make you look good. But above all else, make up should be FUN. And when someone asks you what lipstick color are you wearing, isn’t it more fun to …
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Be Cool…No Need for a Meltdown

“I’m melting!” screeched the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz. No one wants to feel like that when they’re out in the sun wearing make-up. Try these tips to keep your face looking cool and fresh. …
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Go Ahead and Mask the Problem

Mask It all started when my aunt bought me a plant called lovage. “It’s an herb,” she explained. Kooky Aunt Pat and her “herbs”. Being the inquisitive type, I decided to do some research on herbs…. …
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