Brush Your Way To Better Skin

A few months ago, I became interested in “dry brushing”. Now that I’m in my 40s (*gads!*) it takes more effort to make my skin look its best. This means eating clean, drinking lots of water, NOT ta …
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Why Dieting is the Worst Idea Ever

Many of my friends choose to start diets on January 1. There are varying opinions on this philosophy, some saying it’s good to have comradery since everyone else is doing it, others saying it’s not …
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Last Minute Gift Idea

Need a last minute gift idea AND a way to keep the kids busy AND not have it involve baking anything? Well I have the solution for you: Bath Fizzies. These effervescent little fellas are easy to m …
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My New Big Thing

I’ve been reading a lot about coconut oil recently, and how it’s good for everything from healing acne to losing weight. Naturally, I had to try it. Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the …
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Will I Ever Learn?

Like many of you, I’ve recently become acquainted with Pinterest. Oh the hours I could spend perusing the yummy recipes, viewing the gorgeous landscaping ideas or checking out the latest style trend …
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It's Probably Time to Toss It

When was the last time you cleaned out your make-up drawer? Be honest. Six months ago? Sometime last year? It’s probably a good idea to go through your stuff and throw some of it out. Make-up do …
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Scrub A Dub, Dub

It’s getting to be that time of year. My skin dries out, gets flaky and looks disgusting. I know I don’t drink enough water (which would help the appearance of my skin), but the dry air from the he …
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Bake An Apple Pie...In An Apple!

Sometimes I bake. Well, it’s not really that often. If I bake something, I tend to eat it and since I’m forever trying to lose weight it just seems counter-productive. But I came acros …
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Pumpkins and Scarecrows and Football, Oh My!

I’m starting to feel a chill in the air come evening, which could only mean autumn is right around the corner. I’m a summer kind of girl, so this makes me a bit sad. But there are some things about …
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The Lemon/Chocolate Experiment: Day 1

I started my “Lemon Chocolate Experiment” a little more than 24 hours ago. So far, so good. I even noticed some ‘results’, be they psychological or not. First let me clarify what I am doing and wh …
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