Buying Gifts Stresses Me Out

It’s that time of year – the ‘gift season’.  Religion seems like an after thought when so much emphasis is placed on what the holidays are supposed to be like.  Who is cooking dinner?  Has the house been decorated to the nines?  And most importantly, what are you going to buy Uncle Leo?

It really is tough, though I’m sure I make it even harder on myself than it needs to be.  I think that what I buy a person says so much about me – was my gift unique, was it thoughtful, was it what they wanted, etc.?  Sometimes I think it’s just easier to give gift cards or money but then you’re seen as boring, unimaginative and can even get accused of not knowing the person well enough to be able to read their mind and know exactly what they want. 

So I’ve come up with a list of ideas which might help you.  Here goes:

1. The Lady Who Watches Your Animals When You Go Away – a scarf.  We have FIVE different styles to choose from, different textures, colors, lengths.  It’s a no-brainer.  Everyone could use a scarf…unless you happen to live in Death Valley.

2. Your Gym Buddy – that gal who pumps iron next to you, takes yoga with you and encourages you to run that extra mile on the treadmill – earrings.  We have FOUR different styles to choose from, all elegant, all handmade, all unique an come beautifully packaged.  Find me a girl who DOESN’T love jewelry!

3. Your Eccentric Aunt/Cousin/Family Member – candles or incense leaves.  We don’t really know what they do, we’ve never been inside their house past the foyer and the less we know, the better off we probably are.  But whatever’s going on, we can make it smell better.  We have FIVE lovely luminaries to choose from and FOUR different incense leaf gift sets.

4. Grandma – she will love anything you get her because grandmas always do.  But they’re also tough to buy for.  Drawer sachets, hanging sachets for her closet and even shoe fresheners are perfect.  Sachets have been around forever, so it’s not a new concept to grandma.  And with all the scents we have to offer, you’re sure to find something she’ll enjoy.

5. Your Son’s Teacher – she’s probably tired of the fruit and cheese baskets.  Give her something that says ‘take some time out for YOU’, and “we really are sorry that Timmy bit you earlier this year…it was a phase”.  Soaps.  Package three of our amazingly scented handmade soaps in a little basket, maybe even include an organic cotton washcloth or a loofah.  We’re certain she will appreciate the gesture.

6. Your Hubby/BF/GF/Significant Other – our bee massage bar.  This one is self-explanatory.  We hope.

7. The UPS Man – lip balms.  Why?  Because that’s what our UPS man asks for every year.  And he’s not even on our route any more!  But the word gets to us and we bag up a bunch to keep the lips of our delivery guys protected.  Which now that I think about it that way, it’s kinda weird.

8. Your Father-In-Law – aftershave.  Maybe he’s a great guy and is like a second dad.  Maybe not so much.  Either way, you can keep him smelling good.

9. The Teenager On Your List – we all have one and they are impossible to buy for.  They either want ridiculous sums of cash, or the latest tech item which costs ridiculous sums of cash.  If your teen happens to be a girl, a good bet is our new Pressed Eye Shadow Singles with Compact.  Pick four shades…or maybe give her a gift certificate so she can pick her own four shades.  Expect her to change her mind 12 times if you give her this option.

10.  Your BFF – gift mug.  She’s always there for you.  Our Real Women are All Natural gift mug filled with wonderful Honeybee Gardens cosmetics is the perfect ‘thank you’. 

Last Tip:  there are always stray gift givers.  You go to a party and your boyfriend’s sister hands you a little gift bag.  What do you do?  Awkward!  You GO PREPARED.  Have a gift bag made up and sitting in the car.  Then you can say “Oh my, I left your gift in the car!  Silly me, I’ll go get it” and it looks like you thought ahead and bought a gift for her.  If no one gets you a gift, consider it a present for yourself.  It’s also nice to have a few spare little gifts around your place during the holidays.  Lip balms are PERFECT for that.  Your niece Suzy comes over and brings her new boyfriend – bam, you’ve got a gift!  I learned this from my aunt.  She kept a large exotic looking bowl on a table in the foyer and it was filled with either lip balms, little hand creams, soaps, etc.  It was a parting gift as you walked out the door so no matter who stopped by, they left with something.

I hope my gift guide helped.  Or at least gave you a good laugh.  Happy Holidays!