Nike Had It Right

Josie (9 years old): Can I sing for you? I want to know if I sing good. Me: First, you want to know if you can sing “well”, and second, what does it matter what I think? Does singing make you happy? …
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Oprah Winfrey turned 60 this year.  When asked if she had any regrets, this is what she had to say, “I think the hardest part of aging really is recognizing the time that you wasted and the thi …
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I Can’t Believe You Posted THAT Picture!

On my birthday, a funny picture was taken of me. I was holding up my birthday cake, and pretending to take a bite out of the entire cake. It wasn’t a flattering picture at all. And the lighting was t …
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My Take on New Year’s Resolutions

You’re going about it all wrong. First, I’m not big on the idea of waiting until January 1 to start anything.  You have to be mentally prepared to make changes, and the calendar should not be di …
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Buying Gifts Stresses Me Out

It’s that time of year – the ‘gift season’.  Religion seems like an after thought when so much emphasis is placed on what the holidays are supposed to be like.  Who is cooking dinner?  …
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You Got The Number 7

I’d love to meet the person who comes up with some of these “Facebook Oddities”.  Like Throwback Thursday.  Or “Make your status post the color of your bra”.  The latest seems to be “I …
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Many years ago, I took a college course about entrepreneurialism. We studied several companies such as LL Bean, Harley Davidson, Nike and examined what made them successful. One aspect that resonat …
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Make Up Tips for Your Big Day

June is a very popular month for weddings. I love it when brides do minimal makeup and go for the more natural look. It’s so important for you to look like YOU in your wedding pictures. After all, th …
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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

How old are you? That question can be met with pride or prejudice, depending upon whom you’re asking. Ask a toddler how old they are, and he or she will proudly hold up their fingers and loudly pr …
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Take Care of Your Heart

Looking great on the outside is not nearly as important as looking great on the INSIDE. February is American Heart Health month, a great time educate Americans on what we can do to live heart-healt …
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16 Ways I Blew My Marriage

Valentine’s Day is over. Unfortunately, many relationships fall back into ‘back seat mode’, meaning they take a back seat to everything else in your life (job, kids, etc.) And th …
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